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Chinese Academy of Carbon Sequestration in Wenzhou

2011/7/8 11:11:55
By Green Times May 15 2011

Plaque unveiling ceremony of China’s first “Chinese Academy of Carbon Sequestration” affiliated to China Green Carbon Foundation has been held in Wenzhou City Zhejiang Province on May the 15th 2011. Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. ZHANG Jianlong, Vice Minister of State Forestry Administration, spoke highly the great achievements of Wenzhou forest carbon fund since its founding three years ago which has received the support by the participation from all circles of life of the City. The City has become the banner of the nation in forest carbon endeavor. The vice minister stressed that at present, the global warming gravely affects humanity’s production and living conditions. China is a large developing country with fast economic growth and is facing tremendous pressure in reducing greenhouse gas emission. To increase forest carbon sequestration by planting more trees will best conforms to China’s conditions and realities and will be an important measure to effectively addressing the climate change. China has accelerated the tree planting and greening pace as well as the forest management. Every year, we must complete tens of million mu of afforestation task to guarantee the realization of 40 million hectares of forest coverage increase by the year 2020. In order to fulfill the “Double Increases” targets of forest coverage and forest stock volume by the year 2020, we must speed up tree planting and greening pace as well as the forest management during the “twelfth five-year plan” period.


The Vice minister emphasized that the forest carbon sequestration study and research need the broad participation of the whole society. The founding of the China Green Carbon Foundation (CGCF) will dedicate to build an integrated quadruple-goals-as-one platform, namely “store carbon credit, shoulder social responsibility, raise farmers’ income and improve ecological environment”, for the enterprises and companies in addition to public and individuals by the way of forest measures in addressing climate change. Up to this day, CGCF has received as much as RMB400 million donations has been raised from the all walk of life and over 120,000 mu of land have been afforested with forest carbon sequestration trees. Six special forest carbon sequestration fund have been established in Shanxi , Zhejiang Provinces as well as in Beijing municipality and other cities and regions. Of which Wenzhou City green carbon fund alone has raised nearly one hundred million yuan and afforested over 50,000 mu of land. Furthermore, activities such “Carbon neutral wholesale market”, “Low carbon residential complex” and “voluntary tree planting by buying forest carbon credit” have been developed.


The vice minister pointed out that after its settle-down in Wenzhou City, it is hoped, with the support from all walk of life, the Institute will innovates new mechanism and recruits competent professions to bring the talent of the talents from Wenzhou Vocational & Technical College into full play. The work of the Institute should closely concentrate on four functions, namely, Building-up and turning itself into a national level Chinese Academy of Carbon Sequestration; Growing itself into a national level forest carbon sequestration talents training center; Acting as an international cooperation and exchange center in forest carbon sequestration And becoming the trial and demonstration base for low carbon development. Research priority should be given to the focal points in forest carbon sink and the forest role in combating climate change.


Meanwhile, painstaking efforts should be made to build itself into the national first class forestry carbon research institute and up to the international standards by fostering management personnel from forestry sector who will work on addressing climate change, by formulating technical criteria as well as in the study of carbon accounting monitoring and verification with the addition of policies and regulations relating to carbon transaction. In general, the Institute is required to provide scientific evaluation and appraisal for National forestry strategic policy decision-making in combating climate change so as to make contributions to China’s forest carbon sink development and national ecosystem security and in combating the climate change.


At the ceremony, Mr. LIU Yuhe, Chairman of the Board from CGCF, who used to vice minister of Forestry Ministry signed the Agreement with Mr. ZHAO Yide, Mayor of Wenzhou City entitled “Strategic Cooperation Agreement between China Green Carbon Foundation and Wenzhou City on the settle-down of ‘Chinese Academy of Carbon Sequestration’ affiliated to China Green Carbon Foundation in Wenzhou City” and handed over the Plaque (tablet inscribed with the name of the Institute) to Wenzhou City. Dr. LI Nuyun, secretary-general of CGCF presented the flag of “College Students Carbon Sequestration Volunteers” to Wenzhou Vocational & Technical College.


Since its founding three years ago, Wenzhou carbon special fund has been actively working on forest carbon sequestration afforestation and carbon sequestration forest management projects, successfully completed a number of forest carbon sequestration afforestation items and China’s first increasing carbon sequestration forest management project, compiled the first “Technical Regulations for carbon sequestration forest management”, trained a batch of practical talents in forest carbon sequestration. At moment, there are quite number of entrepreneurs in Wenzhou City who are enthusiastic on public benefit and are willing to make donation to support forest carbon sequestration research which provides a favorable conditions to successfully operate the Chinese Academy of Carbon Sequestration. (Translated by XU Cunyong)


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