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China’s Top Ten Green Carbon Sink Hotspot...

2014/1/26 10:23:48

China’s Top Ten Green Carbon Sink Hotspot Events 2013 Unveiled


(Reported by Journalist Tie Zheng and Correspondent Cao Yu of China Green Times on January 21, 2014) 2013 was a fruitful year for China’s green carbon sink undertaking. Recently, an expert panel under the organization of Green Communication Center of Beijing Forestry University reviewed the efforts China had made in this domain during the past year, and selected China’s Top Ten Green Carbon Sink Hotspot Events 2013 based on such assessment indicators as significance, innovativeness, social influence, scientific progress, prominence, and impact.

1.China’s Forestry Carbon Sink Achievements Drew High Attention from the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Warsaw.

The “Workshop on the Property Right and Measurement Standardization of Forestry Carbon Sink”, the first “Chinese Corner” side event of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Warsaw, was jointly hosted by the China Green Carbon Foundation (CGCF) and the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) on November 14. The eye-catching event saw participation of more than 70 representatives from over dozens of countries and international organizations who got engaged in hot discussion on China’s carbon sink endeavors, effectively spreading the voice of China and enhancing China’s global influence in this realm.

2.The First Batch of Methodologies for Forest Carbon Sink Projects Released.

On October 25, the research programs of Methodology for Afforestation Carbon Sink Project and Methodology for Bamboo Afforestation Carbon Sink Project, which were organized by the Afforestation Department of State Forestry Administration and developed by CGCF, have been released to the public by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Besides, Methodology for Forest Management Carbon Sink Project went through the verification of NDRC after being put on records for further consideration, which significantly pushed ahead China’s scientific researches on carbon sink.

3.Achievements of Yichun Forest Carbon Sink Management Project for Emission Reduction were Announced to the Public.

On June 3, CGCF and Yichun Municipal Government jointly announced three cooperative achievements to the public, namely, the issuance of Methodology for Forest Management: Sinks Increase and Emission Reduction, the release of design documents for pilot project, and the on-going Yichun Forest Carbon Sink Management Project for Emission Reduction (hereinafter referred to as the project). As anticipated, the program will sequestrate 6,000 tons of emission reduction, which has been recognized as a tradable ecological product after undergoing examination and registration with the third party institution. It has been purchased, via Carbon Sink Trusteeship Platform, by Xuchang Yongsheng Wanjia Soy Products Co., Ltd. in Henan Province at a unit price of RMB30/ton to offset its carbon emission caused during manufacture process.

4.CGCF Celebrated Its Third Anniversary on August 30.

In virtue of its dogged efforts to delve into unknown realms and down-to-earth practices, CGCF has grown into an authoritative professional organization to help China compensate and neutralize its carbon footprint through forestry afforestation programs for carbon sink and emission deduction.

5.Dozens of Cities Participated in “Green China • Low Carbon Action” Tree Planting Campaign Simultaneously.

On March 11, the “Green China • Low Carbon Action” Tree Planting Campaign, a high-profile event jointly hosted by CGCF and State Forestry Administration, was simultaneously launched in dozens of cities like Beijing across the nation. As an avid initiative for one novel way to help people “make donation to purchase carbon sink, fulfill tree planting obligation even without stepping out home”, the campaign enabled people to fulfill their tree planting obligation and eliminate their carbon footprint through the seamless combination of on-line donation network and off-line tree planting afforestation program, and harvested encouraging achievements.

6.The 1st Cross-strait Workshop on Forestry Carbon Management Unveiled.

The 1st Cross-strait Workshop on Forestry Carbon Management was held on October 29 by the China Green Carbon Foundation, Taiwan University, and Taiwan Chinese Forestry Association. Experts from both sides of the strait conducted in-depth communications on their study and practices of forestry carbon management, greatly promoting the cross-strait academic exchanges of forestry carbon sink research.

7.“Listen to Green Wishes, Build Green China” Public Welfare Project Launched.

On May 16, PICC and CGCF launched a nationwide public welfare event in which, the public were invited to plant virtue trees online, while PICC would make offline donation accordingly. Participants could, by a click of mouse, plant a tree virtually online in one province he/she deemed was the one most desperate for tree planting efforts, while PICC would make donations to CGCF for tree planting program in the province which gained most clicks from netizens. At last, the event helped plant one thousand mu (or 67 ha) of protection forest in Lingwu City of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

8.Inner Mongolia Shengle International Ecological Demonstration Zone Project Selected as Winner of China Charity Award.

The 8th China Charity Awards Ceremony was held by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on April 19. Inner Mongolia Shengle International Ecological Demonstration Zone Project, which was jointly designed and initiated by CGCF, Lao Niu Foundation, the Nature Conservancy, and Forestry Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, won the honor “The Most Influential Charity Project of China Charity Award”. The project, with Horinger County in the heart of Inner Mongolia as pilot area, tried to seek out a comprehensive ecological remediation solution adaptive to the key eco-system in the arid and semi-arid areas in Inner Mongolia, so as to ultimately work out a solution for the sustainable balance between ecological remediation and economic development.

9.Fujian Set up Its First Carbon Sink Special Fund.

Yong’an Carbon Sink Special Fund was set up on October 20, as part of efforts to open up new financing channels for afforestation endeavors in Fujian Province. Enterprises, social groups and individuals are encouraged to make donations to the fund which will channel capital to forestry carbon sink programs like tree planting, forest management and protection projects in required areas. Up to now, the fund has amassed more than RMB10 million of donations.

10.Carbon-Neutralization-Focused Events Spread Green and Low Carbon Ideas Far and Wide

In 2013 alone, CGCF has convened six big events, namely, UN Sustainable Consumption Forum, World Culture Forum in Taihu, China Green Companies Annual Summit, China Eco-civilization and Green Competitiveness Forum, the 1st Shenzhen Low-carbon City International Forum, and the 1st Forestry Carbon Management Training Session. Besides, CGCF has honored its pledge for carbon neutralization mission, and crystallized its green and low carbon aspiration with down-to-earth efforts in 2013.

Organized by China Green Carbon Foundation? 

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