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The 5th Ministerial on Climate Action Chairs' ...

2021/5/14 17:54:33


The 5th Ministerial on Climate Action Chairs' Summary


Ministers and representatives from 35 governments and international organizations, from all the world's regions participated in the 5th Ministerial meeting on Climate Action (MoCA) convened by China, the European Union and Canada, and hosted virtually by China.

The co-conveners would like to express their genuine appreciation to Ministers and representatives for their engagement and contributions during the 5th MoCA as well as to the UN Secretary-General and the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC for their participation.

Facing the public health and socio-economic threats posed by the global pandemic and environmental challenges, Ministers recognized the urgency of taking prompt action when tackling climate change. They emphasized upholding multilateralism and solidarity alongside strengthened international cooperation to support the effective implementation of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Ministers expressed full support to the United Kingdom in its role as the incoming COP26 Presidency and presented their expectations for a successful and fruitful COP26. In this regard, they called for an acceleration of political impetus on ambitionand the collective efforts of all parties by strongly encouraging those that have not already done so, to submit new or updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategies(LTSs) before COP26. Ministers also noted the importance of advancing work on their adaptation communications and/or National Adaptation Plans, as applicable, as well as efforts to address loss and damage.

Ministers expect to conclude the negotiations on the remaining issues relating to the implementation arrangements of the Paris Agreement at COP26. Success in Glasgow will help facilitate the implementation of the Paris Agreement in a comprehensive, balanced and effective manner, and to build a global climate governance system that is fair, equitable and centered on win-win cooperation. To this end, they resolved to work creatively, including in virtual formats, taking into account the technical and other challenges experienced by developing countries, to prepare the terrain throughout 2021 in an open, transparent, consensus-based and party-driven manner.

Ministers accentuated that Parties and other actors must focus on ambitious and pragmatic action in pursuing the goals of the Paris Agreement. Ministers acknowledged that despite the severe socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, many have proposed ambitious goals and visions for building a carbon/climate-neutral future. Many also reiterated the importance of achieving net-zero emissions, in line with the Paris Agreement, noting that their citizens and especially youth are demanding greater urgency. To translate commitments into actions for both mitigation and adaptation, Ministers shared experiences with specific law-making processes, policies, measures and instruments including the deployment of renewable energy, the phase-out of fossil fuels, zero-emissions vehicles, resilience-building, carbon-pricing, green finance, nature-based climate solutions such as afforestation and reforestation, biodiversity conservation, and waste management. Ministers also acknowledged that a just transition must be devised and reflected throughout the implementation process.

Ministers called for accelerating ambition on adaptation and finance as well.  The climate challenge, combined with the disruptive effects of COVID will require scaled up finance, particularly for developing countries and investment aligned with the Paris goals, allowing for reconstruction and green recovery. In this context, Ministers called for solidarity and emphasised the importance of finance, technology and capacity building support to developing countries, especially the poorest and most vulnerable countries.Many also highlighted that Parties should pursue the goals of the Paris Agreement and implement it to reflect equity and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances.

Ministers shed light on the lessons drawn from the COVID-19 crisis, and stressed the importance of global collaboration for climate action and green transition. Strengthening dialogue and experience sharing would facilitate mutual learning, allowing individual countries to seek solutions that best suit their respective national circumstances. Technologies such as electric vehicles; green hydrogen; resilient infrastructure as well as carbon capture, utilization and storage; were also highlighted as facilitative and promising. Ministers encouraged all partners and stakeholders including corporations, finance institutions, subnational governments, cities, local communities, indigenous peoples, civil society, universities as well as different organizations and youth to make collective efforts and contribute to a green, resilient, inclusive and sustainable future.

Ministers appreciated the frank exchange initiated by MoCA, and looked forward to future collaboration under this forum. The co-conveners called for continued participation and ambitious implementation of climate action. 

Organized by China Green Carbon Foundation? 

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